Vidant Health’s vaccine requirement deadline for the remainder of their staff is quickly approaching. PRE’s Meredith Radford has more.
Vidant’s deadline to vaccinate about 1,700 doctors and leadership was Oct. 1 and almost 100% of them were vaccinated in time.
“It’s a requirement to be on staff here, to have the vaccine. And so, for those who chose not to meet the requirement, they were submitting their resignation.”
COO and President Brian Floyd says the deadline to vaccinate the rest of Vidant’s staff is Dec. 1.
As of Friday around 87% of team members, new hires and contract workers were vaccinated. Floyd says leadership keeps a list of all employees who haven’t been vaccinated yet, with the intent to have one-on-one conversations with all of them to make sure they understand the vaccine requirement and give them a chance to ask questions.
“We keep finding people who are confused about various aspects of vaccination, and frankly haven’t had a conversation where they specifically ask those questions of concern. In many cases once we do, they come to the conclusion that actually they do want to be vaccinated.”
Floyd said Vidant, like other hospitals in the state, is worried about staffing shortages, which could be furthered if staff quit over the mandate. He said that shortage is exacerbated in rural areas like Eastern North Carolina, where there are less people to pull from.
But, Floyd says at the end of the day, the vaccine mandate is about the safety of the community.
For Public Radio East, I’m Meredith Radford.
Vidant Health is a financial supporter of PRE.