Officials from the National Weather Service are surveying damage today in Beaufort and Hyde counties to determine the strength of yesterday’s tornado that severely damaged eight homes and hospitalized five people. Jared Brumbaugh has more.
The hardest hit of yesterday’s storm, around the town of Belhaven on Beech Ridge Road. John Pack is Director of Beaufort County Emergency Services.
“we think there were the possibly of two tornadoes. One may have not touched the ground, the other one definitely did.”
Two houses were completely destroyed and six homes sustained significant roof damage. A man and his son were sent to the hospital after their pickup truck was tossed off the highway.
“It was on the road and evidently it was blown off or lifted off the road and rolled into a field.
As of six o’clock this morning, three people remained at Pungo Vidant Medical Center. Pack says seeking low-ground paid off for one Belhaven family.
“A lady who was 8 months pregnant and her child and her husband all live today because they left the bathroom in their house and when to the ditch. It worked because their home, all the way to the foundation, was gone.”
Amazingly, no serious injuries have been reported. Power was restored to Beaufort County residents by 10 pm with the exception of those houses that were damaged by the tornado. Families whose homes sustained significant damage are staying with friends and family members, American Red Cross is providing assistance. For PRE, I’m Jared Brumbaugh.