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Economic impact of N.C. agriculture industry jumps to $111.1 billion in 2023

Combines harvest a corn field in Grand Island, Neb.
Nati Harnik
File: Combines harvest a corn field.

The economic impact of North Carolina’s agriculture and agribusiness industry jumped to $111.1 billion last year, posting a second straight year of strong growth at nearly $8 billion.

Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler said when paired with last year’s increase of $10 billion, that represents over $18 billion in growth since 2022 when the state was coming out of a pandemic and some challenging economic times.

Troxler added that agriculture is our food supply, it is important that we support the state’s farmers.

North Carolina is number one in the production of sweet potatoes, tobacco, poultry and eggs, second in Christmas trees, turkeys and trout, third in hogs and cucumbers, fourth in peanuts and broilers, and fifth in cotton.

Annette is originally a Midwest gal, born and raised in Michigan, but with career stops in many surrounding states, the Pacific Northwest, and various parts of the southeast. An award-winning journalist and mother of four, Annette moved to eastern North Carolina in 2019 to be closer to family – in particular, her two young grandchildren. It’s possible that a -27 day with a -68 windchill in Minnesota may have also played a role in that decision. In her spare time, Annette does a lot of kiddo cuddling, reading, and producing the coolest Halloween costumes anyone has ever seen. She has also worked as a diversity and inclusion facilitator serving school districts and large corporations. It’s the people that make this beautiful area special, and she wants to share those stories that touch the hearts of others. If you have a story idea to share, please reach out by email to westona@cravencc.edu.