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NC Dems reverse course, approve Jewish caucus after negative publicity

A Jewish man wears a yarmulke, also called a kippa, during a meeting on "the German and French perspectives on immigration, integration and identity" organized by the American Jewish Committee this week in Berlin.
Michael Kappeler
AFP/Getty Images
File: A Jewish man wears a yarmulke, also called a kippa.

The North Carolina Democratic Party on Sunday voted to formally recognize the Jewish Caucus as an official organization. The decision came after the party narrowly rejected the caucus last month amid tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas.

The rejection on November 12th angered some Jewish Democrats, and it gained national attention after the state Democratic Party’s progressive caucus leader said he was against the caucus because, in his words, the Jewish Democrats pushing the caucus were, "Whiners and would control everything."

In the first vote, party chair Anderson Clayton abstained. But after weeks of negative publicity, the party called a special meeting and reversed itself; 31 executive committee members voted in favor of approving the caucus.

Still, eight Democrats did not support the caucus. Four abstained and four voted no. Clayton voted yes this time. Jewish Caucus leader Jeffrey Bierer said in a statement that the caucus is pleased at the recognition, especially at a time of rising antisemitism.

Steve Harrison