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Community Spread Of COVID-19 Confirmed In Carteret County


As of Sunday, Carteret County reported 5 confirmed cases of COVID-19.  According to a news release, four of the five cases were international travel.  Health officials said the remaining case is due to community spread. The individual did not have a travel history to any high -risk areas or a known source of contact.  Stephanie Cannon, Carteret County Public Health Director said in a statement, "Our message to the public remains the same: remain home as much as possible to limit the interactions you may have with others; stay home if you are sick; practice preventive measures to keep you and your family healthy; and, practice social distancing when carrying out essential tasks like grocery shopping and going to work."


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Jared Brumbaugh is the Assistant General Manager for Public Radio East. An Eastern North Carolina native, Jared began his professional public radio career at Public Radio East while he was a student at Craven Community College earning his degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. During his 15+ years at Public Radio East, he has served as an award-winning journalist, producer, and on-air host. When not at the station, Jared enjoys hiking, traveling, and honing his culinary skills.