Later this week, the North Carolina General Assembly will start its short session. One of the budget items up for discussion will be adjustments to higher education funding. Among other things, the UNC Board of Governors is hoping for critical infrastructure funding.
One of the board's bigger asks will be utility funding for North Carolina's HBCUs: Elizabeth City State, North Carolina A&T state, NC Central and Winston-Salem State.
In a February meeting, BOG member Joel Ford says these universities have had significant issues with major utilities, like heat, air conditioning and even water.
“When they have to ship students off-campus to provide them with lodging where they have hot showers and heat and meals, it’s quite frankly unacceptable,” Ford said.
At last week's Board of Governors committee meetings, he and other members approved a request of over $21.5 million to divide between the four schools. It would fund emergency generator power, boiler replacements, repairs to sewer systems and other needs.