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NC Senate votes to override governor's veto of controversial gun bill

North Carolina State Capital by jimbowen0306 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The North Carolina Senate voted Tuesday to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of a controversial gun bill.

The bill that the governor vetoed would eliminate a handgun permit requirement that includes a criminal background check. It would also allow guns in private schools when the facilities are used for church services.

The Senate override vote came one day after a deadly school shooting in Tennessee.

Republican Senator Danny Britt of Lumberton is the bill's sponsor.

“I would hope that no one uses that tragic incident that occurred in Nashville to score political points," he said, "What we’re doing in this bill would not impact the situation. What we’re doing in this bill would not make individuals less safe.”

Democrats worry that eliminating the handgun permits could make it easier for dangerous people to buy guns.

Tuesday’s vote was the first veto override of this year’s session.

Republicans now have a veto-proof majority in the Senate, and they’re one vote short of a supermajority in the House. Three House Democrats previously supported the gun bill, which could get an override vote as soon as this week.